Reality Check
Check out the articles below written by Chuck himself, offering top-tier advice and thoughts on the industry:
Prepping for 2023 Successes
As another busy season and year comes to a close, we should have already started the 2023 business plan. This is the time to reflect on the wins and losses of the past year. Is the previous winning strategy still a good plan? What were the causes of the losses? We can learn from both scenarios to better the business and avoid repeating the missteps. But where do we start to focus our attention? I propose 3 areas to work on moving the company to a better place.
First, define your company values through regular recognition of employees and teams. Some examples of group appreciation at the morning meeting are:
- Recognize the employee’s good work or deeds.
- Acknowledging work anniversaries and birthdays.
- Have a monthly group pizza party to promote team building
- Always celebrate the wins of the team and crew members.
Remember that we spend about 1/3 of our waking hours together so the work team/ family concept is real. Make everyone feel welcome and valued. Enthused and engaged workers are happier and retention is much longer statistically. This, in our current labor shortage environment, is vastly important for the home service company. Keeping good employees saves on recruitment, certification, and learning curve costs. This saving can be reinvested in specialty training and other business benefits.
Next, build the dream team. Do you have Systems and a Company Management Hierarchy? Here are some questions to ask yourself
- Do you have top players in each position based on job performance and cultural fit to company values?
- Is each position and role defined eliminating overlap of responsibilities? This creates clear lanes of duties and accountabilities.
- Can the team be honest when reviewing each other’s performance? Will the constructive critique push each other toward excellence?
- Have you refined your vision and goals both short and long-term with management and team buy-in, having shared commitment of activation?
- Do you have an executive management lineup in place?
- Do you have an executive officer (2nd in command) to manage teams and help in running the company?
- Is there a succession plan? If so, can this person manage the company’s health, and continue the culture of the company, always building the team skills and opportunities for betterment?
- Can the executive officer coordinate and plan budgets, schedules, training, and profitable staff levels?
- Can you trust this person to act in your absence if needed, maintaining your goals and moving the company forward?
- Do you have an organizational chart with each Job Description and SOP for the duties of each position? If not, you need to create this with management and employee input for a successful outcome.
In addition, you must understand and know your numbers to survive and prosper in 2023. Many shy away from this particular part because it can be overwhelming, but it does not have to be.
- Know what your material/ supply cost delivered to your door is. True cost.
- Know your labor costs; hourly rate, benefits package, and certification/training overhead obligations.
- What is your debt service? And can it be consolidated, refinanced, or paid off?
- What is the growth plan and synergy with current market conditions? Do you need to re-evaluate? Or change course?
- Do you have cash to acquire weak competitors?
- Are you maximizing your workforce assignments?
- Have you addressed and eliminated waste?
The 3 main causes of waste are incorrect labor time calculation, incorrect accounting for the return trip to the job site, and incorrect measurements or parts/ materials list. The average waste accounts for 15% cost to the bottom line (company profit) This is real money. An example would be a half-million-dollar company with a 10% net profit ($50,000.00) would be losing $ 75,000.00 to waste (15%) and need to do ¾ of a million in sales to cover the waste. Most companies cannot perform 50% more work. It is much easier to gain 50% more net profit ($25,000.00) through the elimination of waste. The only way to accomplish this is to have all systems in place as well as ongoing checks and balances in place, inspecting what is expected for each job quote and contract presented and completed. Note: a million dollar a year company would be losing $150,000.00 to Mr. Waste.
Most service company owners are great technicians and do not like to deal with finances, budgets, job costing, and SOPs. My message is don’t be afraid to get help. There are people who are good at setting these systems in place, training, and explaining in a way the owner does not feel overwhelmed and can manage. Would you pay someone $25,000.00 to save you $150,000.00? The right person is an investment and not a cost to you.
These concepts apply to businesses of all sizes and implementation eliminates turmoil, creates employee retention and grows profits without needing to grow your company, and can give the owner some personal time to enjoy the business and family life.
I will leave you with this thought:
If you would like to discuss any of these areas and how we could help you be profitable and organized to eliminate stress, please email or call our office (410) 940-8896 to schedule a confidential, no-charge appointment to go over your needs. I have seen a few things in 40 years of business and can help with these needs.
Why Systems and Procedures = Profit
Honest and transparent customer communication, treating with respect and proactively resolve any issue builds customer loyalty and trust. 88% of consumers report trust is extremely important in these changing economic times.
In a recent study 94% of all failures in business were due to system failure or no systems in place.
Good systems/procedures for every activity yield a consistent outcome while not depending on individual whims or “their” best practice.
Systems allow you to save time, energy and money.
Details: You must do the work! Planning and research determine the desired outcome of the business. The big advantage is by systemizing, the company can run itself.
What do you get for the work investment?
1. Efficiency – Employees are more productive because there is a defined way of doing
2. Consistency – The customer experience is always the same which results in happy customers and owner.
3. Low labor costs – By using automation, you do not require so many staff functions for the repetitive tasks. The labor market is tight so smart to use of your current staff is key avoiding the constant hiring process.
4. Scale the business – When systems are in place you can focus on new products, networking and increasing profit margins.
5. Asset Valuation – Looking to sell or exit one day? Buyers and investors require you have a committed customer base, SOPs and a guaranteed annual income. You have a legacy and transfer of management plan.
The bigger and faster you grow without systems creates more money going out than coming in. You will eventually go bankrupt. Employees with a system perform better and are not depending on micro managing. This will greatly reduce surprises because everyone is rowing in the same direction. The owner is also kept on track and accountable to the system. You are the leader, you must follow the rules, setting the example if you expect your employees to follow the procedures as well.
BEST PRACTICES Start with your company culture when building your systems.
1. NEVER stop training and learning. Keep everyone’s skills sharp through certification, hands on training and peer coaching keeps standards up and promotes cross training.
2. PROTECT your “HOME”: Treat every customer with respect and listen to their needs, wants and dreams. Honesty is the best policyin your deliverable. Be absolutely clear and detailed in all communications.
3. VALUE the team and Tell Them! Empower the team to make decisions based on SOPs, company culture and their gut feeling on how the owner would handle.
4. DETAILS and organization win the race – Do the job right the first time and don’t cut corners. This applies to scheduling and logistics. Review work flow and revise if needed.
Your brand is greatest asset as it is your reputation. Work ethic, quality and commitment to the job is what people remember. Growth is not possible without a great reputation.
Systems provide a consistent outcome as everyone knows what to expect. They are essential for improving profit margins, expanding the organization, improving business functions, growing revenue and allows owner to work on the business and not in it.
“Winning financially starts with a choice followed by action” – Zig Ziglar
Chuck Roydhouse is the President of Roydhouse Effect consulting firm specializing in making businesses Profitable and Organized. Chuck is a Zig Ziglar Certified Coach, has been a small business owner for 40 years working in landscape and chimney industries. Chuck also was a career firefighter and retired after 25 years of service. He has a degree in Fire Science and Safety from Shepherd University, West Virginia, and is past President of the Chimney Safety Institute of America. Chuck lives in Nashville with his wife of 30 years Linda and their three Labrador retrievers. For more information contact Chuck via email at or visit
Fight or Flight?
Shrinking economic conditions, high fuel costs, supply chain issues, and labor shortages got you down?
Do you step up and lead your company or duck and cover? Winners lead by adapting and overcoming adverse situations. You can choose to win or acquiesce to subjugation.
“Peak performance is dependent on passion, grit, determination and a willingness to do something poorly until you can do it well”
– Zig Ziglar
Good leaders are flexible in actions and communication based on the audience and always optimistic exuding confidence even when experiencing setbacks. A good leader is determined to complete the mission or goal and manages the fear of failure. We understand the risk-benefit of our actions and decisions. We cannot be paralyzed by fear. Remembering fear is “False Evidence Appearing Real” according to Zig Ziglar. Be steadfast in your duties, work tirelessly to complete tasks, and employ and present a work ethic that becomes contagious to your employees.
Dedicated leaders maintain focus and direction moving toward goals and objectives by applying grit, building esprit de corps, pride, ownership, and employee buy-in. Demand high quality but not perfection. Don’t overanalyze–this will get you mired in the muck. The goal is excellence, not perfection. Perfection prevents you from moving forward. When you seek it, stagnation sets in, and you become dead in the water.
Challenges are constant in life and business. Developing the qualities of flexibility, determination, steadfastness, dedication, and setting the expectation of high-quality performance, creates the best practice for successful leaders.
Get your house in order–Leaders must call the shots. There is no guidebook or guarantee. Be informed, be decisive, and be kind.
“Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more; you should never do less”
– General Robert E. Lee
You can contact me by clicking here
Moving From a Bull to Bear Market and Things to Know
The continuing runaway inflation is forcing consumers to rethink spending priorities. Most are making budget cuts, deferring projects, or canceling jobs altogether. We appear to be entering a Bear Market and moving out of the Bull Market. We need to manage business strategies differently. Bear markets last 1-3 years on average and historically are 9-18 months over the previous 20 years.
Bear markets are a challenge and careful contrast of any market opportunity will require a deep dive investment of time and energy to ensure the risk is worth the return. We must have the drive to build a keen eye for managing cash flow. The Bull Market was a grow at any cost environment. During this current Bear Market, expansion too quickly can cause you to run out of cash, over-extend production crews, and resources, or be at the mercy of shipping delays or cooling sales.
With economic unknowns and high inflation, it’s paramount that you improve cash flow.
- Get paid at time of service.
- Know all accounts receivable-reduce to zero ASAP.
- Have 6 months cash on hand for expenses in a separate emergency account.
SCORE (Service Core of Retired Executives) in a recent survey found respondents stating:
Profits declining 63%
Sales declined 60%
Expenses rose 60%
Vendors & Suppliers charging more than 60%
Almost 60% of small business owners are short on cash and only have $5,000.00 in cash reserve.
Third-party payments Venmo/PayPal are under increased IRS surveillance and they have increased reporting requirements. Make sure you’re compliant.
Inflation impacts consumer behavior so listen to the customer getting their positive interaction/sale needs met.
Be authentic to you and your company values by communicating effectively making the customer the center of your decision-making process. Understanding what is important to them will result in a loyal audience that will create a thriving business for you.
A Dozen Things You Can Control
- Have back-up suppliers and in-house supply of items in stock that sell, no matter the economic times.
- Cut all excess (nicety things) expenses such as travel, off-site retreats, and any administrative perks.
- Get with your CPA to lower your tax bill.
- Renegotiate bank fees.
- Increase marketing to the top 3 profit engines of your provided services.
- Raise prices, if not your margins are squeezed.
- Pursue efficiency relentlessly and create customer satisfaction with value-added bundle services.
- Jettison unprofitable products and services.
- Outsourcing tasks, bookkeeping, accounting, social media, and training are just a few to consider.
- Are you renting/buying the right size space? If so, can the terms be negotiated for lower costs?
- Streamline operations through automation and job duty consolidation-collateralization.
- Identify what expenses increased cash flow and maintain these. Don’t just slash everything.
For a business owner, return on investment (ROI) is the most important equation to add value and cash back to the business, growing the bottom line.
This is your livelihood and future—this is no time to cower from fiduciary responsibilities. Meet the challenge head-on. If you need professional help; get it. Don’t let foolish pride be your perilous end. We are still Americans, the economic engine of the world.
As always, I will leave you with:
– Topline is Vanity
– Bottom line is Sanity
Hardening Your Business Against Inflation and Stagflation’s One Two Punch
There are a lot of voices talking of an impending recession or maybe if we are lucky, we will sidestep the downturn and move to recovery/soft landing. It’s confusing for us average Jane and Joe’s. My thoughts are always to stay on the offensive, plan ahead and play the long game. Being paralyzed in thought and action is never a winning strategy. F.E.A.R. is “False Evidence Appearing Real” as defined by Zig Ziglar.
Understanding definitions and statistical information can help you make informed decisions while navigating the choppy waters that are here and, on the horizon, as we all are currently traveling the same path and are here for each other.
For your consideration:
Inflation is caused by high demand for goods and services, limited supplies, and labor shortages. Regardless of the reasons, self-inflicted or an unseen surprise the reality is you as the business owner must play the hand you are dealt if your goal is to survive and move past this economic downturn. Inflation is the first punch.
The numbers according to the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB):
- Inflation is at 8.5%
- It costs an additional 24% to run your business over the last year.
- Companies are spending 83% more on expenses compared to 2021.
- The top 3 expenses are wages, COGS, and taxes.
- Average prices have risen 54%.
- 11% of companies are borrowing capital.
- It’s costing almost 5% more to keep employees.
- 61% of small businesses increased their prices this year to stay above water, have you?
Industries with significant price increases are energy, commodities, gas/diesel, new vehicles, and medical care. All of these are the underpinnings of a small service business and affect the bottom line as they are passed onto our company.
Stagflation is the second punch. This happens when the economy slows, but prices keep rising. This is not the normal business cycle of the pendulum swinging back and forth. Many reputable economists are predicting inflation will remain in the near future (i.e. into 2024). They base this on the world events (supply chain issues, Russian aggression, and Covid shutting down China) that will impact us all. The Federal Reserve will increase interest rates, which will slow businesses down until things moderate trying to flatten inflation. It takes time for this action to have a positive effect and only after much pain.
Stagflation requires more money to stay at the same level of business. To address this before it happens to you, manage your balance sheet considering the following 10 steps
- Re-evaluate your 2022-2023 business plan.
- Review all expenses and services shutting off the ones not providing adequate ROI.
- Create a priority list in order of importance for future cuts and be willing to make the cuts.
- Review all vendor and customer contracts and institute changes as necessary for profitability.
- Increase your charges to customers (cost of doing business) to maintain cash flow, this is your business oxygen.
- Review inventory and reduce any unnecessary costs to operate a lean warehouse.
- Focus on true profit centers dropping all non- profit offerings and only keep the labor force required to reach these goals.
- Market to your existing customer list (low hanging fruit) these are loyal established customers and do not require incurring the cost of finding new clients.
- Invest in any, training or systems that provide superb customer service. Maintaining your market share is most significant in slower or recessionary times.
- Never cut back on marketing. Customers are restless and are always looking to change buying decisions. Be their port in the storm with your exemplary service company. Increase targeted marketing to “your“ type of client and be everywhere, out in front
Always stay engaged in your day -to- day operations following trends to forecast shifting customer demands. Is flexible financing options a top request? If so, have that answer and market that as well. See the big picture so you can be one step ahead knowing the only business constant is change.
A Paradigm Shift in Thinking Now!
Our industry is changing as we approach the half century milestone in America. The 1970’s oil embargos creating high energy prices resurrected our profession. The free market spoke and the shift to renewable energy (wood) came roaring back to life. The pioneers of what would become the NCSG and CSIA were free thinkers, self- reliant, don’t want to work for “the man” inclined individuals. This was the wild west for chimneys and our first phase of growth. After some time, our brothers and sisters in soot realized they needed education in a field that had little established knowledge. Eva Horton founded the Chimney Sweep Guild, which became the National Chimney Sweep Guild and then State Guilds were formed to share information and ideas providing communal help groups to improve skills. The next step was manufacture training and then certification. All of this happened during a 30 plus year timeline. The early years were primarily for the 1-2 truck operation. Time marches on, evolution occurs and the 21st century requires the chimney sweep of today to function as a Trade and Business having multi-trucks and employees with necessary support systems.
To have a modern Chimney Home Service Company, and be successful in today’s high customer demand market place, we must operate with a level of service that is expected by the public if we want to stay in business and be profitable while using our skill to create safe and warm homes.
So, what is the Paradigm Shift in Thinking?
Simple answer: Constant Training Development & Employee Engagement Investment.
The business owner and manager need to change the thought process on what and why we train. It’s much more nuanced than skills and proficiency of task. Company culture done correctly creates a work environment of trust, employee buy-in, sustainability and longevity creating profit for all to share.
Highly engaged workers are more productive, drive higher levels of customer satisfaction and profit according to a Forbes 2014 study. Companies of all sizes in other trades are making heavy investments in training seeking to stimulate and engage the workforce. By 2019 corporate training grew by 20% from 2015.
Changing demographics in the workforce.
In 2015 millennials became the largest segment of the workforce. Characteristics of millennials include: ambitious, loyalty -lite, hungry for development opportunities, very tech-savvy and always on social media. They expect the company to adapt learning and development goals to meet their needs. For businesses to thrive in this marketplace there is a need to keep skills sharp constantly to maintain employability. Companies wanting to attract and retain millennials must meet the needs of continual learning through face to face /hands-on and modern online learning. Platforms that are capable of hosting a dynamic and collaborative learning environment and delivers content in small retainable chunks is a must. The competitive advantage goes hand in hand with company training. The ongoing labor shortage and skills gap underscores the need of knowing how our employees learn and what is that capacity.
We must make time for learning
A lack of skill by the untrained creates stress, lack of motivation and kills the company culture. Incentivize training through monetary benefits and rewards. Encouraging the pursuit of always learning aligns with self- identity of millennials and creates a commitment to their value as a team member.
Hiring Cost
In 2019 the average employer spent $4,000.00 to hire a new employee. This is comprised of recruitment, job sourcing, background checks, DISC assessment and internal costs to facilitate the process.
93% of employees stated well planned training positively affected their level of engagement.
68% report training and development is the company’s most important policy.
Gen Z will retain 50% more information if watched.
95% of people are more likely to retain information via video than text.
94% employees say they would stay with a company if the company invests in their development.
Goal Path
Now is the time to create a career path for employees. This clarifies employee’s goals, aids in employee retention and reduces hiring costs. People like to have a purpose and by investing in training and career development you invest in the future of your company by fostering job satisfaction and a sense of community. When employees do well so does the company.
ROI (Return on Investment)
To realize the full ROI in training you should consider that education can be a strategic business tool if you have clear goals in mind for said training. What skills need attention either new or remedial? The employees must have buy-in, so ask what they need and get a commitment from them to invest their time and energy. To have success you must create a clear and focused environment. Training time is education time only, no phones, emails or meetings. This increases focus and learning retention. Ensure employees are constantly engaged. Boredom is the downfall of any training module. Treat training as a project. This means well planned and interactive. Always evaluate the subject content and measure the lessons results with quizzes/tests and feedback.
Recap for successful learning
- Is the training engaging?
- Was the subject relevant and enjoyable?
- What was learned?
- Can the knowledge be applied in the workplace?
- Did this benefit the employee and company?
Training is an investment in your company. Thinking of it as another business responsibility like health care, PTO, workers comp, marketing and rent. This is the new shift in true cost of a growing successful business. All of the above components are necessary to meet today’s consumer expectations through trained and invested employees.
In Conclusion
Because millennials are the majority of today’s workforce, and as learning and development training move online to scale across the entire company, smart business owners invest in learning that is delivered through online platforms meeting the multifaceted need of all types of learners.
Don’t be a dinosaur, make the paradigm shift in your training mindset to move you and our industry to maturity enjoying a business model of stable workflow, workforce and profitability.
“For the best return on your money, pour your purse into your head”
Benjamin Franklin
Chuck Roydhouse is the President of ROYDHOUSE EFFECT consulting firm specializing in making business’s Profitable and Organized. Chuck has been a small business owner for 40 years working in landscape and chimney industries. Chuck also was a career firefighter and retired after 25 years of service. He has a degree in Fire Science and Safety form Shepherd University, West Virginia, and is past President of the Chimney Safety Institute of America.
Chuck lives in Nashville with his wife of 30 years, Linda, and their three Labrador retrievers.
You can contact Chuck via email at or call (410) 940-8896.
Cash: How to Keep It
Healthy cash flow is critical for any business’s longevity and success. Unfortunately, this is not seen as the fun thing for many to prioritize. Numbers and monthly statements become second fiddle to lunch meetings, conferences or new gadget acquisitions. Business usually bleed money slowly over months until there is no more cash to bleed. Statically 82% of small businesses in the United States fail due to poor cash flow management. Despite good accounting software, cash flow mistakes are the norm and not the exception most of the time without knowing this you are a willing accomplice.
Common cash flow management mistakes occur because of two main causes:
- Your business has poor operational strategies.
- Your business has a good operational strategy but you fail to execute.
1. What are some cash flow mistakes and how does this happen? One main failure is planning in advance. We don’t have a crystal ball, but the one constant is economic ups and downs in all businesses. Be prepared and don’t make these common gaffes.
Lack of cash savings is all too common. Almost 50% of small businesses in the U.S have less than 3 months of cash reserves if an emergency arrives on their door step. Like wise only a third of the businesses are confident they can access capital if needed. This is living paycheck to paycheck. To have incoming cash flow into business growth, you need to prioritize long term sustainability over short term growth.
Next, small unexpected expenses. We have all been through this. Do not be caught off guard with economic down turns. High inflation leads to high interest rates which if instituted in a heavy-handed fashion can squeeze the economy and put people into a panic- stop spending or cut back mode. Your business strategy needs flexibility. Set up and emergency money market fund in a separate bank account and ignore the temptations to tap into it until a crisis arrives.
Another mistake is Massive outflow of profits blind side. During a booming economy we can ride a high and risk more than we should hope in order to make it big. You end up spending too much chasing bigger profits. This over stretches the business and can actually break it. No matter how good the deal appears to be stick to your plan and budget. Do not go beyond what your balance sheet allows. You can still take risks but be cautious in all decisions. It’s okay to be flexible, but too much shows no strategy and leads to a crash.
2. Ever not follow through? Mistakes from poor execution is very common as well. Running and managing a small business is complicated and you must account for all aspects that make the “ machine” run. You can have great strategic planning and budgeted financial plans but without proper execution of said strategies pain and failure will appear. You must be disciplined.
You must track all your accounts. Tracking every dollar you spend and earn, is critical in a business. Not paying attention to the details no matter how insignificant can add up and not keeping your eye on the ball almost guarantees cash flow problems in the future. Software can help, but will not do your work for you. Software is only a tool to make the job easier, you still need to get in and dig. A well accounted business is a healthy business and it’s your job to make sure it stays that way.
Finally, the Failure to think and act in terms of cash flow is all too common. Most business owners experience the disconnect between budgeting and spending differences. This means when making purchase decisions most do not look past affordability. Buying and spending decisions should only be made when considering long term cash flow health. Being pragmatic and putting something off even though you can afford it may seem silly. The question is, in an emergency budget can you justify this purchase and maintain your business health? Your most valuable resource is working capital and by not preserving it usually leads to trouble. Most undisciplined businesses end up in debt and rely on credit to survive. Risky! This starts the vicious cycle of interest payments eating up your profit. Start a good budget and cash flow conscious habits so you don’t end up cash poor.
Achieving healthy cash flow is not hard and the secret is simple: develop a strong but malleable operational strategy and be disciplined in its management. Doing this will keep you in the black and boosts your cash flow. I love efficiency but it is always trumped by discipline. There are no shortcuts. If you do your do diligence, you are well informed, justified and cash flow cognizant your small business can avoid these pitfalls that most are seduced by,
Remember Cash is King
Chuck is the founder of ROYDHOUSE EFFECT INC, a company who primarily works with small service businesses in making them profitable, organized and efficient. For more information about our consulting and coaching services visit or call Chuck at (410) 940-8896.
Decisions Made Trusting Facts & Numbers
Everyday service company owners’ make difficult decisions based on incomplete information. Having significant repair contracts at stake as well as the extra pressures that arise from the urgency for its completion, client complaints, employee personalities, available materials and labor can lead to decisions that may not serve the company well.
As an example, if you were to be under-bid on three consecutive jobs, it might cause you to think you need to cut prices. But if you did an analysis of proposals over the span of a few years, this might not be the case. You may be winning an acceptable percentage of profit per opportunity and actually be above your goals. This is similar to losing an employee to a higher paying competitor. Instead of panicking and handing out raises to everyone, a logical solution would be to analyze salaries. This could reveal that overall, your team is well compensated. If you had shot from the hip and matched the higher rate, you would have upended the entire pay-scale and blown your yearly budget.
Most business owners do not ask enough questions or look into the details. You must collect statistics, costs, sales ratios and employee retention dating. By knowing these numbers, you can make fact-based decisions which will improve performance and profit. Once you have mastered this process, you can then tackle some other innovative best business practices such as:
1. Set goals and measure results
Companies always perform better with measurable performance goals that track results.
2. Rely on fact-based decision making
Combine insight and foresight, validating your instincts with real data from inside and outside your company.
3. Pay attention to reviews – send out surveys
Get valid input from current clients, employees, and third- party surveys. Use this data to make improvements and let your clients know that you are not just listening, you have closed the loop to improve the company client experience.
4. Recruit all the time
Hire talent when you find it not when you need it. This can be accomplished using combinations of in-house and professional training for on boarding new hires and the development of managers.
5. Strategically Market
Have an integrated marketing and communication system in place. This should be linked to growth goals in order to realize the company objectives.
Remember! What I have laid out for you must be constantly monitored and updated to create a flexible business model because in today’s business climate we must be prepared to adapt and change to meet the shifting client expectations and unstable economic pressures.
The old saying, “The ox is slow but the world is patient” is no longer true. We live in a world of instant gratification. Get on board or be left behind, your choice.
Chuck Roadhouse is the President of ROYDHOUSE EFFECT consulting firm specializing in making business’s Profitable and Organized. Chuck has been a small business owner for 40 years working in landscape and chimney industries. Chuck also was a career firefighter and retired after 25 years of service. He has a degree in Fire Science and Safety form Shepherd University, West Virginia, and is past President of the Chimney Safety Institute of America.
Chuck lives in Nashville with his wife of 30 years, Linda, and their three Labrador retrievers.
You can contact Chuck via email at or call (410) 940-8896.
Preparing For Changing Economic Times
Businesses have weathered many challenges since March 2019. The COVID-19 virus has given a 1-2 punch to the economy. During my 40 years of being in business I have witnessed the pendulum swing between economic growth and recession. Things had been very strong for most of our industry until Covid. For many the demand in our services actually increased during lockdown as many wanted their home upgrades or noticed items in need of repair. If you were able to capitalize on this good for you. Other pressures on a stable economy are stressing the bounds, mainly oil costs. In 2021 there was a severe cut back in oil production in the U.S. This happened as the demand increased. When demand out paces supply, costs increase and shortages occur. What does this mean to the average business owner? Simple, costs of all goods and services rapidly increases which costs you more to run your company. If this and other world regime tensions increase, stability is questioned and recessions happen. If you have not realized this already and have not taken the steps to protect your business and personal income from economic downturn, you should act now.
Action Items
- Debts
While I strongly advocate being debt free both in business and personal finances, sometimes this is not the reality, consider evaluating existing debts now and refinancing before the inevitable interest hikes are implemented. Take the opportunity of the cheap credit now and refinance to lower payments. Avoid falling into the trap of increasing your debt to spend more. The quicker you pay off a loan the quicker this payment goes into your bottom-line equaling profit to reinvest or take as an owner’s dividend. Remember, the more debt you have the more vulnerable your company is.
- Stack Cash
Recessions result in fewer sales and less cash to support operations due to fear of economic contraction. Disciplined financial strategies that fund all things to survive in a down period must be the norm. The key is ample liquidity. A rule of thumb is a minimum of 6 months of cash and 12 months is far superior to provide real peace of mind. Plan for the worst “crisis budget”. The best way to create this type of scenario is simulate a 50% revenue drop, what does that look like and what steps can you employ to survive in this event?
- Line of Credit
As stated before interest rates are historically low. While your financial picture is hopefully very healthy presently, this is the time to establish or increase a line of credit. If you wait until you need to look for line of credit you are too late. The best time to apply is when you are not in critical need of funds. This almost ensures success in obtaining the desired amount or increase. Lenders have tightened requirements and credit history, both company and personal, must be strong since you will most likely personally guarantee the loan. A line of credit is a safety net and should only be used like a credit card for short term spending and in emergency situations. However, if you do not access the line from time to time your bank may reduce the line amount or cancel. I recommend tapping the line from time to time and pay the amount used back in over a three-month period. A second mistake is using the line as an “evergreen loan”. You don’t want to use the loan for a large purchase and pay a minimum over a long period of time. Banks want to see up and down activity when using your line of credit.
- Acquisition War Chest
Economic down turns separate the weak from the strong. Having a dedicated savings account earmarked for gaining market share, acquire competitors and recruit high demand talent allows you to mash on the gas pedal while everyone else is shoring up the ramparts. Smart stock investors buy when all others sell in a panic. Avail oneself of these opportunities.
- Eliminate debt and or refinance
- Create cash stock pile with crisis budget
- Apply or increase line of credit now
- Establish war chest for opportunities
My intent is to make you aware that both good and bad economic times cycle back and forth. If you plan accordingly, be disciplined and work lean, you can survive and prosper even if the economy challenges your business during this current ambiguous climate.
Chuck Roydhouse is the President of ROYDHOUSE EFFECT consulting firm specializing in making business’s Profitable and Organized. Chuck has been a small business owner for 40 years working in landscape and chimney industries. Chuck also was a career firefighter and retired after 25 years of service. He has a degree in Fire Science and Safety form Shepherd University, West Virginia, and is past President of the Chimney Safety Institute of America.
Chuck lives in Nashville with his wife of 30 years, Linda, and their three labrador retrievers.
You can contact Chuck via email at or call (410) 940-8896.
Keep your business out of the poorhouse and call on Roydhouse Effect for the best in business consulting and coaching.